Monday, April 29, 2013


(This wasn't received as an email, but was the person's entire profile... bless his heart.  It was post-worthy)


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lame I know

Lame I know,but i dont know what to say

Just a heads up

Hi. I wont ever take you out for sushi, just a heads up.

Age is a numb

hi my name is Tomato i am 32 m <<location>> age is a numb i am lookin for friends text me i will send u my pic 555 503-7312

Yo girl

Yo girl,
Your screen name cracked me up. Are you sure you want that brother dated a girl who apparently clueless chose her screen name as "Happy Endings" what made it funnier is that she is Asian...not the right message to send. : )

Beauty and brains, what a rare combination to have these days.
Well I work as a nurse and am in graduate school to become a nurse practitioner.
What tickles your fancy?
-Clubhouse Crackers

I'm on a mission to find a girl friend to marry

so - what is your impression?

Thank you for checking out my profile.

I joined LDSsingles 5 days ago.

I'm on a mission to find a girl friend to marry. Yeah I know that's probably the case for most people here and pretty direct.

I see there are lots of women in many locations. I want to be productive here - avoid wasting time in dead ends. Love is too wonderful to let the time slip away. There is a saying - a bird in the hand is worth ten in the bush.

So I respectfully ask for your feedback on what you saw in my profile - what do you like - what made you look longer - what do you see that you don't like - that made you consider moving on.

Your response is very much appreciated and helpful.


Raw Almonds




I'm Wavy Potato Chips!



????? And?

How old do you date?

How old do you date?

I was wondering if you are interested in dating someone that is 40?

Buttercream Frosting


Your profile gave me a smile, so I'm giving you one in fair exchange!

You may disqualify me if you want to bear children

Good morning, beautiful woman

I am very interested in you. You may disqualify me if you want to bear children (I'm done), but, otherwise, I think we have wonderful potential. We match on so many levels - most importantly the Gospel (and eating!).

Arizona wants you. And I AM feeling lucky.

May I call you?


Wasabi Peas

I will, and I will not

I will, and I will not

-- Out eat anyone. But I'll do it with style, too. My job is to know about swanky restaurants, new bakeries, and the best divey food along the Wasatch Front. Eating is a way of life in my world.

-- Go to New Mexico. I have a coworker named Howie who lives there. And who wouldn't want to visit a friend who goes by Howie?

-- Bombard you with photos of hiking and backpacking trips even if I know your interest is feigned. But only for a second. Then I'd much rather just go outside and DO the hiking trips.

-- Ask you about health reform.

-- Always put the gospel first. Always. Period.


-- Go to jail.

-- Wear lip gloss (probably), stilettos (definitely) or flip-flops (unless at the beach or pool, thankyouverymuch).

-- Be satisfied with boring when there is so much to be seen, tasted, visited, touched, felt, and experienced in this world.

-- Ever understand people who obsess over professional wrestling.

-- Be someone I am not. So who am I? A fella whose life is centered tightly around the gospel and full of fun, food, happiness, baked goods, service, adventure, and a little mischief.

Thwack! Ball's in your court...


The mission of love

First Email
So if I could gave one thing, and only one thing, it would be love!!!!
Ciao amore!
PS I did serve in Italy, the mission of love

Second Email
I'll take you skiing to xxx..
I've been skiing there for over 15 years and love it! (not to mention all the other cool places in this amazing state!)

I hope you take me up on the offer....I promise it will be a blast!

tty soon

tty soon,
~ Bell Pepper : )

I just wanted to send you a smile

I just wanted to send you a smile.

Let's end the madness

We chatted TWO years ago. Here we are, still single, still looking.

Let's end the madness, end the solitude, and talk - may I call you?

Love your profile. We really do have much in common (even our attitude toward socialism, etc.).

Hoping to hear from you. Still.

Mad Mac Macaroon

Get on with life

 Let's talk. Meet. Get on with life. Thrive. Find JOY. Together.

I am special and know who I am

My name is Matthew, is there anything about the small amount of info on my profile that seems your type. you are beautiful, and you have kind and wonderful eyes.
I am looking for the right person not the right now person. my personality is amazing if you like to cry laughing.
telling me no won't hurt me.
I am special and know who I am, I feel you are too. smile and enjoy!!

"sniff" around

I really just wanted to tell you that you have the absolute, most beautiful nose that I have ever seen! Seriously, you could be a nose model! I used to take art classes and now I am always scrutinizing eyebrows, chins, ears. Not that I am a piece of art (more of a piece of work).

Anyway, I really liked your profile (nose joke!) and I would love to hear more about you and your adventures. So "sniff" around, feel free to be "nosy" and tell me what you think.
